Friday, December 17, 2010

Social Media Paper

“Newspaper… what’s that?” I feel like someday I will be having this conversation with my grandchildren, and they’ll think that I’m as old as a dinosaur if I say that news used to come to one’s doorstep every morning in a plastic bag. The internet, and social media, is going to be the inevitable extinction of many of the luxuries we know right now. For example, having a face-to-face conversation. With the implication of “Facebook Chat” and “Instant Messaging” it is truly more convenient to socialize with your friends on the internet. You don’t even have to go on dates in person anymore. Thanks to sites like eHarmony, the “awkward silences” that occur during a first date are no longer present. With all the benefits of social media, I think that the World tries to ignore the potential dangers that accompany an internet movement.
            One huge potential danger is cyber bullying. “Cyber bullying” is a broad term that describes any emotional abuse that occurs on an internet outlet. I’ve seen this numerous times on my Facebook News Feed, or even on Twitter. The internet is a great place for bullies to freely express their hatred for others, which often happens. Because the school can’t view the activity, these bullies often get away with it. I’ve heard of numerous suicides that have occurred due to cyber bullying of children.
            Another problem that can happen with a social movement is hacking. An elite group of intelligent vigilantes hold the capability to “hack” into another person’s computer server, and steal their information off of the internet. Some of this information includes people’s credit card number, social security information, and house addresses. All of these can lead to great danger and destruction in innocent persons’ lives.
            I don’t think the internet movement is all bad though, at all. Thanks to news moving to the internet, it is a lot easier to access from the comfort of one’s house. Also, opposed to a newspaper, on the internet you can choose what you read, and there are numerous outlets which will prevent you with information most essential to you. For example, if you want celebrity news, you don’t want to page all through a newspaper to find it. Instead, you can simply go on, and type in the search engine “Brittney Spears’ Cocaine Incident” and numerous tabs will come up from News Weekly,, ET, and more! It’s really a terrific concept if you think about it.
            Another great asset that accompanies social media is the ability to collaborate. For example, if you have a group project due in your English class and there is no time for everyone to meet, they can go to a website and all post their portions of the project on there in a collaborative setting. There are limitless possibilities to the expansion of social media, especially in its ability to allow for collaboration and accessibility.
            I think that if the internet is used correctly, then it can be a great tool for almost everyone. I do, however, think that there are a lot of dangers lurking behind every URL that you type into the search bar. For that reason, I think it’s necessary for new users of the internet to take a course which will guide them through the journey of social media, and social networking.

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